Hitting the snooze button: is it time to let teens start school later in the day?

A notebook and an alarm clock surrounded by white numbers on a colourful background.

By Katie Compton, Policy & Politics editor Research has confirmed something that parents and teens have known for a long time: teenagers stay up later and sleep in longer than other age groups. This sleeping pattern isn’t an act of rebellion or a sign of laziness – it’s rooted in teens’ natural circadian rhythm. Forcing […]

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Let sleeping owls lie: What’s behind the morning lark, night owl sleep patterns

photo by cottonbro CC0 via pixels

Jaspreet Sanghera, Biology & Life Sciences editor You prefer to get up at dawn and are raring to go by the time most people are just rolling out of bed. This means that you are in bed by 10 P.M. But your new neighbours are up half the night moving around their apartment, disrupting your […]

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Beating covidsomnia

Nada Salem and Zahra Nasser, Chemistry co-editors Google searches for ‘insomnia’ have surged in the last few months, reflecting people’s concerns about their changing sleep patterns. Sleep is a complex process involving a network of mechanisms. When one mechanism falters, our sleep is negatively affected. An extreme example of this disruption is insomnia – a […]

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