Move to Mars? Just because we can doesn’t mean we should…

Tanya Samman and Alina C. Fisher, Environmental & Earth Sciences co-editors Mars… it’s hot right now. But then, so is Earth – and it’s getting hotter thanks to human-induced climate change. Life on Earth is going to change drastically in the near future: melting ice sheets will cause sea level to rise, submerging coastal cities; […]

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Changements climatiques, feux et leurs implications pour certaines espèces

Par Tanya Samman et Alina C. Fisher, co-éditrices, Environnement et sciences de la terre Le rôle du feu dans les écosystèmes forestiers Les feux de forêt sont puissants et dévastateurs. Mais ils sont également nécessaires pour le renouvèlement de certains écosystèmes. Plusieurs plantes sont très bien adaptées au feu; certaines espèces d’arbres possèdent une écorce […]

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Climate change, fire, and their implications for species

Tanya Samman and Alina C. Fisher, Environmental & Earth Sciences Co-editors The role of fire in forest ecosystems Forest fires are powerful and devastating. But they are also necessary for the rejuvenation of some ecosystems. Many plants are well-adapted to fire; some trees have dense bark or shed lower limbs to help them survive fire […]

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Meet the Science Borealis team with #SciBorSelfies!

This year, Science Borealis celebrates our 4th anniversary by paying tribute to our amazing team of volunteers! These are the folks who do the hard work every day to keep things running. We had each team member draw a simple line drawing self-portrait, which was then colourized and SciBorated by art team member Peggy Muddles. […]

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Satellite technology: Beneficial for all or ill-fated endeavour?

Landsat spots birth of Iceberg A-68, Antarctica. Image acquired July 12, 2017. (Landsat imagery courtesy of NASA Goddard Space Flight Center and U.S. Geological Survey)

Kathi Unglert and Tanya Samman, Earth and Environmental Science co-editors My radio alarm clock turns itself on at 7 A.M., and I wake to tunes on my favourite station, transmitted straight to my bedroom via satellite. What a great start! Satellite imagery can be used to forecast water availability in reservoirs and to monitor crop […]

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