Ursula Franklin: 1921–2016

Stephanne Taylor, Physics & Astronomy co-editor Ursula Franklin held many titles, including physicist, activist, trailblazer, pacifist, feminist, Fellow of the Royal Society, member of the Order of Ontario, and Companion of the Order of Canada. Her cross-disciplinary work spans decades and departments, and she carved a path for both herself and other women through the […]

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Women and Technology: An ever-evolving relationship

By Aadita Chaudhury Technology and Engineering subject editor Many of us here at Science Borealis are passionate about encouraging the participation of women in science, engineering, mathematics and technology (STEM) fields, especially this month, which is women’s History Month (March) and contains International Women’s Day (as addressed in our previous editorial post). While the life […]

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So what, exactly, does an engineer do?

by Aadita Chaudhury Technology & Engineering subject editor Technology and engineering have a pervasive effect on our everyday lives, yet we often struggle to define their scope. My third year engineering class once discussed whether engineering was a science, an art, a combination of both, or something different altogether. Even though we all came from […]

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Combing for Truth, Justice, and the Canadian Way

Raymond Nakamura and Lisa Willemse, Communication, Education and Outreach co-editors Most of what you hear and read about science tends to focus on the process of scientific discovery itself. These are the topics that grab headlines, such as last week’s announcement that the Edmontosaurus dinosaur had a fleshy comb atop its head, not unlike that […]

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