Hello beta testers, and welcome to Science Borealis, your one-stop shop for Canadian science blogs! We’re excited to share our site with you, and want to thank you for volunteering your time to explore and test it.
We’re the go-to location for science information in Canada and a community hub for science blogging. The aurora in the Science Borealis logo represents our vibrant, open and connected group of science communicators who are passionate about sharing science information with the Canadian public, policy makers, and the media.
Science is about more than just facts – it’s about stories, people, policy, places, history, art, and cultures. Science Borealis is where you’ll find it all, from the latest on Canada’s contribution to space exploration, to award-winning science art; from news and views on water in Canada to updates on Canadian science policy.
Enjoy your time exploring our site. We look forward to your feedback on everything, including technical issues, design, layout and feel. We hope you feel welcome, and that you tell your friends and colleagues about us. Let us know if you have a blog you’d like to add, or if you’d like to volunteer in some capacity (editor, site maintenance, etc.).
Glad to see it finally come to fruition!
Sarah, & colleagues; this is really starting to come together. Congratulations!