by Kasra Hassani Health, Medicine & Veterinary Sciences subject editor Animal experimentation is and will probably always remain a controversial issue. On one side stand those who believe that understanding human physiology and disease is not possible without experimenting on animals. On the other side stand those who condemn absolutely any use of animals for […]
human health
Climate change and human health
by Kasra Hassani Health, Medicine & Veterinary Sciences editor *Updated (30 Oct, 2.30PM PST) to add link to PHAC’s Annual Report. Climate change is not a matter of the future: it is happening now, impacting the environment and all of us who rely on it. However, fighting climate change is not just about reducing greenhouse […]
What does Ebola have to do with engineering?
Aadita Chaudhury and Sri Ray-Chauduri,Technology & Engineering co-editors Chances are you’ve heard about Ebola outbreak that has gripped several west African nations. The outcomes of Ebola are far more severe than similar diseases that claim far more lives each year, and the fatality rate is much higher than others such as cholera, typhoid, and dysentery. […]