Highlights from the 2016 Canadian Society of Microbiologists conference

By Betty Zou What do the scientific breakthrough of the year, fecal transplants and pea plants have in common? Microbes! The newest research in these and many other areas was showcased recently at the 66th Canadian Society of Microbiologists (CSM) annual conference, which took place at the University of Toronto on June 12 to 15, […]

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Can our own immune system defeat cancer?

Nick Mitrousis and Sri Ray-Chauduri, Technology & Engineering editors Cancer. For most of us, that word conjures up memories of a friend or family member who succumbed to the disease. Despite decades of scientific work and billions of dollars spent developing new treatments, cancer remains a leading cause of death worldwide. So it’s no surprise […]

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Enjoying the Great Outdoors – A Win for Planet Earth and for Us, Too

Joelle Thorpe and Catherine Lau, Biology & Life Sciences co-editors   Would you believe us if we told you that some doctors prescribe “time outside” to their patients? This Earth Day, do our planet – and yourself – a favour, and spend some time in the great outdoors.   Spring has finally sprung! With the […]

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Beyond the numbers: What goes into estimating bird populations?

By Auriel Fournier, Mathematics and Statistics Editor   Auriel Fournier with the first Sora of the 2014 field season. (Photo credit: Auriel Fournier)   Ecology often comes down to counting something and using those counts to answer a question. We count birds, we count offspring, we count individuals with diseases, and we count the parasites […]

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