Asking “who” before “how”: understanding your audience for effective science communication

By Tiffany Chiu, guest editor Do you ever feel like your communication efforts fall on deaf ears? You are not alone. Most scientists want to share their research to make a difference in society. But many struggle to put that desire into practice. They share information that they believe is important, rather than understanding and […]

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5 reasons scientists should use storytelling

Pxfuel, CC0 - storytelling engages audiences

Alice Fleerackers, Science in Society editor Last November, I had the opportunity to participate in BODIES, a live “science storytelling” event by Broad Science and Confabulation. I remember the horror of walking on stage, my palms sweating, to greet the audience. “What if I forget my lines?” I wondered. “Why did I ever sign up […]

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Who are science communicators? And a survey

audience toys

Susan Vickers and Lisa Willemse, Communication, Education & Outreach co-editors Let’s begin by clearing up a small point of possible confusion. This post covers two different surveys: one happening now, and one conducted last year. The current one is the Science Borealis survey of blog readers, which Science Borealis is conducting in collaboration with Dr. […]

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How well do you know your audience?

Public chemistry

Susan Vickers, Communication, Education & Outreach co-editor As a chemist passionate about outreach, I’ve spent a lot of time and effort trying to combat the public’s fear of chemicals, dubbed by chemists as “chemophobia.” It infuriates me when companies tout products as “chemical-free” (who wants to buy a vacuum?!), and am convinced that this has […]

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