Week 6 is finished! And our Outreach team and supporters have really been powering through our “Reflections: 100 Voices for Canadian Science Communication” campaign. Only 23 voices left to go! With hundreds of Tweets and re-Tweets of the #scicomm100 hashtag and visitors to our Facebook page, our followers now excitedly anticipate who the next Voice for Canadian SciComm will be.
Not only that, but our mailbox is filling up with offers from people who want to get involved next time we do this! Thank you all for your enthusiasm. No promises about doing this again, but we’ll add you to our file just in case.
Also, thank you to everyone who has shopped in our new Science Borealis RedBubble Logo Gear store. While you’ve been doing that, we’ve been scurrying around designing products and stocking shelves in preparation for the grand opening of our #scicomm100 store. Watch our social media streams for that announcement.
Until then, here are the past week’s #scicomm100 quotes.
See the full collection in our Reflections: 100 Voices for Canadian Science Communication Gallery.
Meet this week’s artists: Raymond Nakamura, The Vexed Muddler, Cat Lau, and Premee Mohamed