by Kimberly Moynahan Science in Society subject editor One of my freelance jobs involves writing panels for science centres, nature reserves, and museums. Informational and interpretive panels are an important way to deliver science to visitors who presumably already have an interest in the topic. But even with an audience that’s self-selecting, it’s still tricky […]
Science in Society
Science Borealis: building science culture and fostering Canadian discovery and innovation
by the Science Borealis Board Over the summer, Science Borealis provided comments to the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council (NSERC) on their strategic plan (NSERC2020). We’re sharing our comments to generate a broad public discussion around science, discovery, and innovation in Canada amongst the Canadian science, policy, and blogging communities. This conversation is particularly […]
Dinosaurs! What’s not to love?
by Kimberly Moynahan Science in Society subject editor They’re huge and terrifying (well, some of them), legendary and mysterious, and are frequently endowed with great names that children love to rattle off: triceratops, mosasaur, velociraptor, T-Rex! The whole idea that dinosaurs actually walked on, swam around, and flew over this earth is mind-boggling, no matter […]
You’ve got mail! And everything else. What’s a science blogger to do?
by Kimberly Moynahan Science in Society subject editor Yup, those were the days. Dialing in. Enduring hours of busy signal. Waiting interminably for the connection. Peering hopefully at the little AOL mailbox, wishing…wishing … wishing for …yes! The red flag’s up! “You’ve got mail!” Okay, those weren’t really the days. The online world was frustratingly […]
Science Bloggers See the Science in Everything
by Kimberly Moynahan Science in Society editor “If all you have is a hammer, everything looks like a nail” – Abraham Maslow Science oriented people — scientists, science communicators, and just plain enthusiasts – have a tendency to see the science in everything. A puddle of water becomes a microbiologist’s zoo. The twinkle of stars […]