Spotlight on Canadian science podcasts

Alex Chattwood, Communications, Education & Outreach co-editor We need your help to build the definitive list of independent Canadian science podcasts! Podcasts are an increasingly popular way to create and consume science content. Why are they taking off? I think it’s because science can really come alive through storytelling. To me, a podcast is a […]

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CBC’s “Fault Lines”: A podcast that delivers what it promises?

Kathi Unglert, Environment & Earth Sciences coeditor “Fault Lines” is a new podcast produced by the CBC and narrated by Vancouver seismologist Johanna Wagstaffe. Over five half-hour episodes, we learn about two earthquake scenarios likely to happen in BC, including their potential effects on us in the hours, days, and weeks after the shaking stops. […]

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Conversations with Dolphins: Film review

Kira Hoffman, General Science co-editor, and Josh Silberg, Policy & Politics co-editor People love dolphins. Flipper and his brethren, with their permanent “smile” and happy-go-lucky reputation, are widely regarded as one of the most intelligent species on the planet. But what makes dolphins so intelligent? Are humans not so special after all? In Conversations with […]

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