Your genes may (NOT) be used against you

Image by Arek Socha from Pixabay, CC0

Katie Compton, Science Policy and Politics Editor When I’m not writing and editing for Science Borealis, I’m working as a cancer genetic counsellor. I spend a lot of time talking to people about the risks and benefits of having genetic testing. Sometimes my patients know that there is an inherited form of cancer in their […]

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Data-sharing in the time of COVID-19

Coronavirus eye - data by Matrix cc0 via pixabay

Katie Compton, Policy and Politics editor As the COVID-19 pandemic has upended our lives, we’ve all become health-data seekers. Each day, we scan our newsfeeds for information about whether we’re flattening the curve, wonder what the #NewNormal will look like, and search hopefully for any news about treatments or vaccines. Answering the questions foremost on […]

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