Hitting the snooze button: is it time to let teens start school later in the day?

A notebook and an alarm clock surrounded by white numbers on a colourful background.

By Katie Compton, Policy & Politics editor Research has confirmed something that parents and teens have known for a long time: teenagers stay up later and sleep in longer than other age groups. This sleeping pattern isn’t an act of rebellion or a sign of laziness – it’s rooted in teens’ natural circadian rhythm. Forcing […]

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Why does getting enough sleep matter?

By Dorottya Harangi, Health, Medicine & Veterinary Science co-editor When I was at university, I had friends who pulled all-nighters before every exam. As someone who loves her sleep and would never dream of skipping a night of rest, it was such a foreign concept to me. What are the consequences of being sleep-deprived and […]

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Beating covidsomnia

Nada Salem and Zahra Nasser, Chemistry co-editors Google searches for ‘insomnia’ have surged in the last few months, reflecting people’s concerns about their changing sleep patterns. Sleep is a complex process involving a network of mechanisms. When one mechanism falters, our sleep is negatively affected. An extreme example of this disruption is insomnia – a […]

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