Navigating cultural competence in public health communication: A Communicator’s Pocket Guide

By Aygun Ibrahimova, guest editor Picture yourself on a quest: You must drive to an unfamiliar destination that is hundreds of miles away. If you have a rough idea of where the location is, you could start driving and hope that you find your destination. But it is more likely that you will open Google […]

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COVID-19 wastewater surveillance in Canada

By Qiaochu Liang, Biology & Life Sciences co-editor Although COVID-related restrictions have eased and the social activities of Canadians have resumed, the pandemic persists, especially with the emergence of SARS-CoV-2 variants. As information gathered from individual testing has decreased, Canadian health authorities have adopted a more effective approach for keeping track of the presence and […]

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Inspiring a nation to raise healthy kids

By Lindsay Jolivet & Ainslie Butler, Health, Medicine, & Veterinary Science Editors ParticipACTION’s physical activity report card calls on governments, parents, schools and communities to drive change. Canadian kids are failing playtime. Sedentary behaviour earned Canada an F grade from ParticipACTION in its most recent report card on physical activity for children and youth. The […]

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Let’s make school vaccination rates public

by Hannah Hoag & Kasra Hassani Health, Medicine, and Veterinary Science subject editors After questioning more than 1,500 Canadians on their attitudes and actions toward childhood vaccination, the Angus Reid Institute published a report in February concluding that Canadians strongly support vaccination. The majority even said vaccines should be mandatory for children to attend daycare […]

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