Canadian Women In STEM Conference: How do we keep women in STEM?


Farah Qaiser, Policy & Politics co-editor Throughout 2017, gender, diversity and inclusivity in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) fields has been a contentious topic. The Naylor Report marked it as an issue that needs immediate attention in academic circles, and this year’s male-dominated Nobel prizes, followed extensively in the news, underscored the problem. The […]

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Melding art and science for PTSD treatments


Catherine Lau, Biology & Life Sciences co-editor It’s happening again. You are reliving that moment in your head and you can’t stop it. No, it’s not a bad dream, it’s a real memory and it stunts you and makes you unreasonably nervous. Living a normal life suddenly becomes a challenge. What can you do? Turn […]

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Science communications and science literacy: An evening in Victoria, B.C.


Sarah Boon, Science Borealis Core Team member On Friday, September 22, Science Borealis partnered with the Science Writers and Communicators of Canada (SWCC), Vancouver’s Curiosity Collider, and the Royal BC Museum (RBCM) for an evening of science communication fun. The event was originally meant to be just an SWCC Book Award presentation, but former SWCC […]

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A Q&A with The Atlantic’s Ed Yong

Erin Zimmerman, Science in Society co-editor Following his recent keynote address at the Canadian Society of Microbiology conference in Waterloo, Ontario, my Science Borealis colleague, Robert Gooding Townsend and I chatted with Ed Yong, author of the New York Times bestseller, I Contain Multitudes, about getting started in science communication, using humour in your writing, […]

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Science advocacy can save Canadian science (and the next generation of Canadian scientists)


By Molly Meng-Hua Sung, guest contributor This past year, the long-awaited Fundamental Science Review (commonly referred to as the Naylor Report) was submitted to Canada’s Minister of Science, the Honourable Kirsty Duncan. It confirmed something scientists have been saying for years: funding is tight. Furthermore, the strain of poor funding is borne largely by young […]

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