Why frozen mud is a technical challenge for climate scientists

By Charles Gauthier, new science communicator “So, it’s frozen mud?” my roommate asks when I try to explain my research topic to him. Since starting his own research in quantum physics, he has mastered the art of simple idioms. Perks of the trade, I suppose. This frozen mud, however, covers half of Canada’s land mass. […]

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Planting the seed for the future of vaccine development

By Amanda Scanga, guest contributor One consequence of the COVID-19 pandemic is the accelerated development of new vaccines. Researchers quickly created, tested, manufactured and administered new vaccines, most of them based on messenger RNA (mRNA). mRNA is a knowledge base that has been in development for decades. Many people remain hesitant to get vaccinated for […]

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Multidisciplinary collaboration yields a promising new biopsy tool for diagnosing interstitial lung disease

Kody Beler, new science communicator About 98 out of 100,000 human patients every year suffer from interstitial lung disease, a broad collection of several lung diseases that manifest as inflammation and scarring of lung tissue and a loss of lung function. Because of the invasiveness of the necessary lung biopsy, however, the diseases are often […]

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A journey to the Canadian Arctic and its impact on the environment

Photo by Jamie D’Souza, 2018

Jamie D’Souza, guest contributor Since the 1960s, Churchill, Manitoba, the self-proclaimed ‘polar bear capital of the world’, has attracted thousands of tourists who hope to see polar bears lounging in the willows or on the shoreline of the Hudson Bay. But spotting a polar bear in its natural habitat near Churchill may soon become less […]

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The Muon g-2 experiment results might change the course of physics!

Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory

Yahya Ashraf, guest contributor As a philosopher of science, Karl Popper emphasized that a good theory is characterized by the fact that it makes a number of predictions that could be disproved or falsified by observation. Each time new experimental results agree with the predictions, the theory survives, and our confidence in it increases. But […]

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