Elizabeth Benner, Biology and Life Sciences editor


Elizabeth has always been fascinated by the natural world. Growing up in Thailand, she was exposed to a plethora of wildlife such as frogs, elephants, king cobras, and many invertebrates. She loved animals and the natural world and learned about them through books, video games, and trips to the zoo. From age 5, Elizabeth expressed […]

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Katie Compton, Policy & Politics editor

While finishing up her undergraduate degree in biology at the University of Prince Edward Island, Katie realized that she loves writing about science. After earning a master’s degree in science communication at Drexel University, she worked as a science writer and editor at the Canadian Institutes of Health Research. At CIHR, she had the opportunity […]

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Tarryn Bourhill, Communication, Education & Outreach editor

Hi, I’m Tarryn. I am a molecular biologist by day and a science communicator by night. I have always been interested in using viruses to treat disease. This is counter-intuitive for most people because everyone thinks of viruses as the bad guys that make us sick. For me, I love the idea that they can […]

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Reflections of a Science Borealis subject editor

Image source: Pixabay

Robert Gooding-Townsend, Science in Society editor I started at Science Borealis in winter 2016, when I was four months into my Masters program. There was a call for subject editors; I looked at several positions, and ended up in the Science in Society role, where I’ve been for more than three years. Here, I’ll try […]

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Jenna Finlay, Biology & Life Sciences editor

Despite spending most of her life in a major metropolitan area, Jenna has always had a keen interest in the natural world – more specifically, in plants. She has maintained multiple gardens and immediately took a job in the university’s phytotron upon leaving home – a rather direct path that led her to an undergraduate […]

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