Alina C. Fisher and Tanya Samman, Environmental and Earth Sciences co-editors Currently, self-isolation is the norm for people all over the world as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. While you’ve been staying home, you’ve been justifiably worried about the health of your family and friends, your career, and the economic impacts of the pandemic, […]
Earth and Environmental Sciences
Charismatic organisms, “lost causes”, and conservation priorities
Alina C. Fisher and Tanya Samman, Environmental & Earth Sciences co-editors It’s no coincidence that the logo and mascot for the World Wide Fund for Nature (known as the World Wildlife Fund in Canada and the USA) is a panda, and that baby seals are now associated with Greenpeace. Pandas and seals are cute and […]
Faune en dépérissement: Est-ce que les ambitions de conservation de l’objectif 1 du Canada protègent efficacement notre biodiversité unique?
Alina C. Fisher et Tanya Samman, Co-éditrices, Environnement et sciences de la terre Que vous vient-il à l’esprit lorsque vous pensez aux parcs canadiens ? De vastes espaces de nature sauvage ? Un endroit où faire de la randonnée ou du camping ? Le mandat de Parcs Canada est de s’assurer que des aires naturelles […]