Beyond the vaccine: Tackling the flu with ultraviolet light

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Sri Ray-Chauduri, Technology & Engineering editor By all accounts, this has been a tough flu season. According to FluWatch, a surveillance system that monitors flu and flu-like activity across Canada, there have been more than 46,000 laboratory-confirmed cases of influenza so far this season, thousands of hospitalizations, and, unfortunately, hundreds of deaths. Although the flu […]

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How species survive the winter: Skin breathing and antifreeze

Wood frog- NCC

by Sarah Ludlow Previous blog posts have discussed how small songbirds and big brown bats survive the winter. Those blogs briefly covered some strategies used by birds and mammals. But what about amphibians? How do frogs survive the many months of sub-zero temperatures? Amphibians are ectotherms (or cold-blooded, meaning that their body temperature is regulated […]

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Could a new blood test change the Canadian cancer landscape?

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Ainslie Butler, Health, Medicine & Veterinary Sciences editor   A recent report in Science described a new cancer screening blood test, CancerSEEK, that promises to dramatically improve rates of cancer diagnosis. This screening tool, developed at the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, is called a ‘liquid biopsy’ and it tests for eight common types […]

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