Toxoplasmosis and the zombie mouse in my backyard


Ainslie Butler and Lindsay Jolivet, Health, Medicine, and Veterinary Science co-editors This summer, I made friends with a zombie mouse. One recent evening as I was sitting in my suburban Toronto backyard, a tiny mouse that often visits began behaving strangely. Instead of scurrying across the patio like usual, my mouse buddy started running in […]

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SciArt smells better: Interview with natural science illustrator Jen Burgess


Katrina Wong and Raymond Nakamura, Multimedia co-editors Jen Burgess applies her background in biology and art as a freelance science illustrator based in Vancouver. We caught up with her via email to learn more about her work, how it facilitates science communication, and why it’s easy on the nose. Science Borealis: In art, written or […]

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Fold it right there: The mathematical art of paper folding

The 2007 CSAIL puzzle created by Erik and Martin Demaine. Reproduced with permission.

Malgosia Ip, Mathematics & Statistics editor “I really don’t think it’s possible,” I say again, unfolding the rumpled sheet of paper. I have been trying to solve one of Erik Demaine’s folding puzzles for a few hours now. Some of the creases have been folded so many times that the paper is starting to tear. […]

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