March for Science returns for a second year

Farah Qaiser, Policy & Politics co-editor   On Saturday, April 14, scientists and science enthusiasts once again took to the streets to advocate for science and evidence-informed policy. This year, there were 230+ March for Science satellite events across the world. In Canada, Evidence for Democracy (along with local organizers) arranged events in 10 cities […]

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Gas price spikes reveal the algorithms behind capitalism

Kyle Pearce CC BY-SA 2.0

Robert Gooding-Townsend, Science in Society editor Late this February, gas prices in Vancouver surged to over $1.50 a litre, an increase of 20¢ in just two weeks. This was due to the shutdown of a key refinery in Burnaby. Around the same time, Taiwan was running out of toilet paper, which was partly caused by […]

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Climate change, fire, and their implications for species

Tanya Samman and Alina C. Fisher, Environmental & Earth Sciences Co-editors The role of fire in forest ecosystems Forest fires are powerful and devastating. But they are also necessary for the rejuvenation of some ecosystems. Many plants are well-adapted to fire; some trees have dense bark or shed lower limbs to help them survive fire […]

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Ajuster la recette de la sécurité alimentaire au Canada

Le système de sécurité alimentaire du Canada devrait empêcher les aliments dangereux de parvenir à nos bouches. Mais est-ce suffisant de partager l’information avec le public? Un expert nous donne son opinion. Ainslie Butler et Lindsay Jolivet, co-éditrices, Santé, médecine et science vétérinaire Des bactéries au plastique, en passant par des noix bien camouflées, la […]

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Science essays: Another way to explore the facts

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Erin Zimmerman, Science in Society co-editor “A piece of writing has to start somewhere, go somewhere, and sit down when it gets there.” – Essayist John McPhee, Draft No. 4 What is it? Many people are unaware that science essays are their own genre. They can masquerade as other things: features, reviews, researched personal essays, […]

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