Science: A Love Lost and Found

Over the next few weeks, Science Borealis is excited to feature a series of stories developed for a story-telling event held at the joint conference of the Society of Canadian Ornithologists, Association of Field Ornithology, and Wilson Ornithological Society in July 2024. These stories were prepared with the help of Borealis Blog editors and polished for oral presentation by […]

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You can check out anytime you like…but you can never leave

Over the next few weeks, Science Borealis is excited to feature a series of stories developed for a story-telling event held at the joint conference of the Society of Canadian Ornithologists, Association of Field Ornithology, and Wilson Ornithological Society in July 2024. These stories were prepared with the help of Borealis Blog editors and polished for oral presentation by […]

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Beyond the numbers: What goes into estimating bird populations?

By Auriel Fournier, Mathematics and Statistics Editor   Auriel Fournier with the first Sora of the 2014 field season. (Photo credit: Auriel Fournier)   Ecology often comes down to counting something and using those counts to answer a question. We count birds, we count offspring, we count individuals with diseases, and we count the parasites […]

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