Daylight savings: how shifting time affects our internal clock

By Amanda Scanga, Science in Society editor The beginning of daylight savings time (DST) can be encouraging for some as it promises that spring and warmer weather are near. While most of us shift to DST with little effort, there are quite a few who struggle to make the change. The changing number of daylight […]

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Op-Ed: What the fitness and health media forget to talk about

By Cristina Sanza, guest contributor “Should I do more cardio or weights?” “Are dumbbells or machines better?” “How long do I need to exercise to see results?” Questions like these are all too common when you work in fitness. If you look to the media for answers, you’ll find them: a new study compares weights […]

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Air pollution is a major threat to our health

By Jenna Finley, Biology & Life Sciences co-editor Man-made pollution is one of the biggest threats we face — microplastics everywhere, contaminated drinking water, plastic garbage floating on the oceans. Data show that pollution is already causing deaths, and new evidence suggests that it may be worse than previously assumed. In 2016, the World Health […]

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The sunshine vitamin sheds light on gut health

By Qiaochu Liang, guest contributor With winter just around the corner, some animals start building food caches, while others eat plenty of food to prepare for hibernation. This is also the perfect time for us humans to be proactive about getting enough essential nutrients, particularly vitamin D. What is vitamin D? Vitamins are a class […]

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Why does getting enough sleep matter?

By Dorottya Harangi, Health, Medicine & Veterinary Science co-editor When I was at university, I had friends who pulled all-nighters before every exam. As someone who loves her sleep and would never dream of skipping a night of rest, it was such a foreign concept to me. What are the consequences of being sleep-deprived and […]

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