Is extinction really forever?


Robert Gooding-Townsend, Science in Society co-editor Can biotechnology bring back extinct species? If it can, should it? In her new book Rise of the Necrofauna, Britt Wray chronicles the nascent movement to bring back extinct species. She calls these resurrected creatures “necrofauna”, conjuring images of undead mammoths, passenger pigeons, and more. As compelling as the […]

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What should we do about invasive species?

by Julie Sveinson Pelc Manager of Stewardship Programs, Nature Conservancy of Canada (Manitoba) Invasive alien species (IAS) have been identified as one of the greatest threats to biodiversity. It’s therefore no surprise that controlling and eradicating them is one of the top priorities for the Nature Conservancy of Canada’s (NCC’s) Manitoba Region. IAS are defined […]

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The end of the rainbow: Invasive species and the real costs of ecological monkey-wrenching

Guest post by Dan Kraus, Nature Conservancy of Canada Somewhere in the rivers of southern Ontario is a species few people have heard of, and even fewer have ever seen. It’s simply named the rainbow. The rainbow is a freshwater clam that gets its name from the rich iridescent colours on its shell. It’s so […]

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