Ainslie Butler, Health, Medicine & Veterinary Sciences editor Is your cat a catnip user? Should you be worried about Princess Fuzzbottom’s drug use? What is catnip? It’s the common name of Nepeta cataria, a plant in the mint family that grows wild in many regions, including Canada. Domestic cats generally encounter dried catnip as […]
Author: Science Borealis
Un nouveau test sanguin pour détecter le cancer pourrait-il changer la donne au Canada?
Ainslie Butler, éditrice Santé, Médecine et science vétérinaires Un récent rapport publié dans la revue Science présentait un nouveau test sanguin de dépistage du cancer, nommé CancerSEEK, lequel promet d’améliorer dramatiquement le taux de diagnostic cancéreux. Cet outil de dépistage, qu’on appelle une « biopsie liquide », a été développé à l’école de médecine de […]
Move to Mars? Just because we can doesn’t mean we should…
Tanya Samman and Alina C. Fisher, Environmental & Earth Sciences co-editors Mars… it’s hot right now. But then, so is Earth – and it’s getting hotter thanks to human-induced climate change. Life on Earth is going to change drastically in the near future: melting ice sheets will cause sea level to rise, submerging coastal cities; […]
Tracking animals by what they leave behind
Raechel Bonomo, guest contributor, Nature Conservancy of Canada Wildlife tracking is one of the many fun nature activities you can take part in. One of my favourite pastimes is pointing out something to a friend or family member that they may have never noticed before, especially something left behind by species living in the area. […]
Dancing with the scientists
Katrina Vera Wong and Raymond Nakamura, Multimedia co-editors What if Swan Lake were a thesis on avian reproductive strategies? Or The Nutcracker were a paper on the psychoactive effects of glucose on juvenile neural pathways? The cerebral rationality of science and the physical emotionality of dance might seem like awkward partners, but such collaborations can […]