The complicated relationship between Alzheimer’s disease prevention and diet


Tamara Rosner and Elizabeth Benner, Health, Medicine, and Veterinary Science editors A recent study shows that eating fruits and vegetables and drinking tea can help prevent you from developing Alzheimer’s disease. Well, actually… the study shows that the risk of developing Alzheimer’s disease is reduced in people who voluntarily eat foods with high amounts of […]

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The psychological benefits of self-compassion

Tamara Rosner, Health, Medicine & Veterinary Science Editor Imagine that you’re scrolling through Instagram, being bombarded with pictures of other people living happy, successful, full, and beautiful lives. It’s natural to compare yourself to these images and feel that you’re not as exciting, or successful, or beautiful, which can make you feel worthless. You could […]

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Gut feelings: How the bacteria in your body affect your brain


Tamara Rosner, Health, Medicine & Veterinary Science co-editor Your body plays host to millions of bacteria. In fact, the number of bacterial cells in your gastrointestinal (GI) tract is about equal to the number of cells that make up your body. While we typically think of bacteria as “bad” or “unhealthy”, the bacteria that make […]

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Cannabis is NOT a dog’s best friend

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Ainslie Butler, Health, Medicine & Veterinary Sciences editor Now that cannabis has been legalized, Canadians don’t have to hide their stash. But dog owners need to be aware of the dangers that cannabis can pose to their pooches. Research shows that dogs are more sensitive to cannabis than humans. Specifically, dogs are harmed by delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol […]

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Tamara Rosner, Health, Medicine & Veterinary Sciences editor


Tammy received her PhD in cognitive psychology from McMaster University in 2018. Her research was on the effect of repetition on memory performance, and trying to understand the un-intuitive memory effect of repetitions being remembered less well than single items. She has been involved in the science-communications world since 2017, when she began volunteering for […]

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